Archive for May 6, 2006

Oh. The agony.

I just realized that I will be in Brazil during Arthur’s dance recital. That so completely sucks that it is a whole new level of suckfulness. It is Peak Suck. Fuck suck. I am upset. Do I sound upset?

Okay, not only is it Good Mothering™ to attend the recitals, but I enjoy them. Arthur is a good dancer. He is a cool dancer. He is fun to watch. I burst with pride. I kvel. I die. I love every minute.

But Brazil. Gotta go. Maybe if it hadn’t been planned so much further in advance than the dance recital I could have done something (although…miss Brazil? Kinda hard to get my brain around that). But I only got the dance schedule a month ago or less and Brazil has been in the hopper for five or six months.
