Archive for June 29, 2006


I kind of stumbled across this amazing post on Swede & Czech. It’s about KT Mcfarland, a Republican candidate for Senator who is sharing honestly about being abused as a child and about being estranged from her brother, who died of AIDS.

Look, I’m not voting for a Republican in November. Seriously not. But I admire this woman’s candor, and I also feel for her despair at the way she’s being attacked for her candor (emphasis added):

McFarland said recent news accounts about her violent upbringing and how it may have contributed to her brother’s death constituted “another form of abuse,” making her wonder if her quest to unseat Clinton was really worth it.

Swede & Czech sums it up beautifully:

Can I see where she equates the treatment that they had as children to the life her brother was leading? Yes. Do I think she is right? Not necessarily. Did she do the right thing in abandoning her brother? Absolutely not. Is it my place to make her understand that? No. Not with the demons that she has to face about her past.

It’s called revictimization. Let’s make sure that anyone from an abusive background is forced to either lie or stay out of politics. Because that’s good for our system. » Read more..