Archive for June 21, 2007

Blessed Solstice to You!

Today is the Summer Solstice (Midsummer). The sun is at its peak and the warmest season begins; paradoxically, this means that the sun begins to wane and winter is assured.

Opposite today on the Wheel of the Year is the Winter Solstice (Yule). The sun is at its zenith and darkness has truly begun. Paradoxically, we celebrate the birth of the sun and summer is assured.

In these two holidays is seen the eternal conflict of Oak King and Holly King. The Oak King is the waxing sun, he grows from Yule until Midsummer. The Holly King is the waning sun, he rules from Midsummer until Yule, and these two holidays mark the points where power is shifted from one to the other.

It is interesting that the Winter Solstice is most often celebrated as a birth; the Holly King is seen as the father of the Oak, and he voluntarily recedes from the spotlight to let the Solar Child be worshipped. But at Midsummer, there is often ritual combat. The Oak and Holly Kings are both seen as strong men, rivals and/or brothers. They fight for rulership or for the love of the Goddess.

Why these two very different conceptions? I think it is as simple as this: That we celebrate and welcome the birth of the Sun, but fight and resist His departure. In other words, you can pry my Summer from my cold, dead hands.