Archive for January 17, 2009

Snark line

Okay, so someone on a Wicca board said (I paraphrase): ‘Someone, I think one of Deb Lipp’s downlines,* said something snarky about…’ And I responded by saying ‘All of my downline are snark. It’s a requirement of initiation.’

Ha I’m funny.

Anyway, so there I was in Evn‘s comment section, being all braggy about how cool Basket of Kisses is, and Yvonne says “Snark line rulez.”

Snark line. Took me a minute. That’s what we’re called now. Huh.

*Note for my non-Wiccan readers: In traditional Wicca, your downline are people who are descended from you in an initiatory line, e.g. the initiates of my initiates.