Archive for October 6, 2009

So here’s the deal

My new job is just much more demanding than my previous one. At the old job, I did have a lot of work, and it had its challenges, but there were slow days kind of built into the system and blogging was rarely problem (although, I’m sure it would have been for Management, had they known).

At the current job, I am more value (yay) and there’s always a stack of wriiting I can’t get to because other things have higher priority. Plus I’m working on a book kind of actively now, so I am not blogging much in the evenings.

Which is why you haven’t seen trivia.

I am suspending trivia indefinitely. I ask 7 questions a week most weeks, and I don’t SEE 7 movies a week. After approximately four years, I am drying up on interesting questions.

I haven’t been that successful introducing new features. I don’t want or need the blog to discipline me right now. I’d rather keep it here to write about movies, Paganism, language, and whatever else crosses my mind.