Sunday Meditation: Beltane Fires

Last night we celebrated Beltane. A little early but the best Saturday night for the job. It was a fabulous night. We do a lot of fun Beltane stuff every year. A maypole, of course. The “scarf chase” from Eight Sabbats for Witches. Last night, I decided to add a second fire to the ritual space so that we could pass between the Beltane fires. This is a traditional Beltane activity. You passed yourself and/or your cattle and/or your farm implements between two Beltane fires for purification, fertility, and good fortune.

So, before we passed between the fires, I asked everyone to meditate on what they were taking in, and now I ask you to do the same.

Ground and center.

You are going to pass between two fires for “fertility.” What does that mean to you?

Perhaps it is physical fertility. Perhaps you want to conceive, or to give birth to a healthy baby, or for your breast milk to be abundant and nourishing. Perhaps it is the fertility of nurturance, you want food on the table, or a restoration of health or wholeness. Visualize the fertility that is health and growth.

Perhaps you want the fertility of expansion; a new relationship, a new job, a new home, a journey.

Perhaps you seek the fertility of abundance: Love, money, plenty, and joy.

Think about having fertility, and think about taking it in.

Fire warms you. Feel the warmth that comes from the fire and how it reaches deep inside you. How you take it in. How it warms your very cells. The fire becomes a part of you, you will carry it, and its blessings, throughout the year. It will be with you as you enjoy your summer. It will warm you at Samhain.

Take for yourself the blessings of Beltane fires, and let them warm you throughout the year.

So mote it be.

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