Archive for May 24, 2006

Spoiler comments on last night’s House

Warning! If you click “more”, you will be exposing yourself to spoilers that will make your eye pop out (hehehe).

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Impeachment should not be off the table

I’m inspired by mealy-mouthed, weak-willed Nancy Pelosi as well as by Shakespeare’s Sister’s conversation with Evan Bayh, whose hat is hovering over the Presidential ring in a pre-tossed state.

Shakes asked Bayh about Pelosi and didn’t get a progressive-heart-warming answer:

He went on to say that the American people didn’t like it when the Republican Congress went after Clinton when they should have been paying attention to jobs and the economy and shit, and there was a backlash, and the Dems won seats during midterms—and if the Dems tried to impeach Bush, the same thing would happen, because it would be viewed as motivated by a vendetta.

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

Let’s compare. » Read more..

Sex is sacred. Therefore, have some.

Why is sex the only sacred thing that conservatives want you to do less?

Per Amanda, I learn that whacko nutjob freakazoid Dawn Eden wants sex to stay “a great mystery” (read: “about which you are uneducated”). Of course, she also doesn’t want you to have “casual” sex, or sex outside marriage, or sex with contraception, or sex in certain positions, or using certain parts, and certainly not using the same parts for both partners, and definitely not having more than one partner, and no the frick way having less than one partner, and not with devices and not during your period and probably if you’re a woman you also shouldn’t come.

So here’s the thing. We’re told that prayer is sacred, and so Christians pray often, every chance they get, in many different contexts. We’re told going to church is sacred, so Christians go often. Catholics especially just pop on by the big pretty building to light an extra candle. We’re told that giving charity is sacred, and so religious people of all stripes should give more, and more often. We’re told sex is sacred, and so we should…not have sex?

As they say on Sesame Street, one of these things is not like the other. » Read more..