Archive for November 11, 2007

Sunday Meditation: Exploring and Using the Meditation Room

For several months, we’ve created and worked with a Meditation Room. Let’s revisit what we’ve achieved.

You have a peaceful location where you feel good, and in that location is a cottage containing your Meditation Room. When you created this room, you took the key with you, so you would always have it with you.

In the meditation room is a comfortable place to sit, a closet, and a table or shelf. These allow you to return, be comfortable, and find things you need (including surprises).

Whenever you wish you can revisit this room. Note details of decor, lighting, temperature, and texture. This atmosphere is entirely yours, and feels good to you. You can also go to the peaceful place outdoors that approaches the cottage, you don’t even need to enter, if you don’t feel like it, because this, too, is a great place to meditate.

On our next visit, we spent more time creating a comfortable place to sit. We also found a painting in the closet, and hung it so our gaze could rest upon it as we sat in our comfy space. Whenever you wish, you can return to gazing at the painting. You can also take it down and put it back in the closet, and see if there are other paintings in there to explore.

On the table or shelf is a book labeled “Memories.” Whenever you wish to meditate upon your past, you can use this book as a starting point.

Finally, we found that the back of the cottage is an entirely different place than the front; a different outdoor meditation area. There is a wonderful place to sit out here, and you can meditate here whenever you wish. There are also paths leading off into the unknown from here. This “back yard” is a great place to begin pathworking and journeying meditations.

Other than what we’ve already spelled out, how might you use your meditation room?

You can go to the room, or to either outdoor location (front or back) every time you meditate. For example, when working on your chakras, you might come here first, and visualize yourself doing the chakra work in this location rather than your ordinary world. You might also find it is a place of power. When doing a healing work, or using Reiki, you might visualize yourself standing here to gather your power and your focus.

If your cottage has windows, looking out the windows might lead you to new explorations.

There might be other books besides “Memories” on your table.

And whenever you leave, take your key to assure yourself of privacy and a safe return.