Archive for January 14, 2008

No, you really CAN’T tell them apart

I’m doing this because I’ve gone nuts. Or because all that political blogging last week demanded something frivilous.

Anyway, half the images in the collage are Jennifer Morrison of the show House. The other half are Keri Russell from the movie Waitress.

Unless…has anyone ever seen them together?

Keri Morrison

Golden Globes

The Golden Globes winners were announced last night, in what I am told was a boring press conference (I didn’t watch, but my sister did, and gave me the blow by blow on the phone).

Basket of Kisses was right on top of it, and I’m feeling really good about it. What’s Basket of Kisses, you ask? That’s the Internet’s only unofficial Mad Men blog. co-authored by Roberta and me. Mad Men won twice last night; best dramatic series, and best actor in a dramatic series (John Hamm), beating out impressive competition.

Eighty percent of EOnline’s respondents have never seen Mad Men. Time to change all that. The first season will be re-run Monday mornings/Sunday nights at midnight (y’know, the Monday that starts after the 11pm Sunday show ends), beginning January 20 on AMC. Watch it, and then visit Basket of Kisses for lively discussion.