Archive for Site News

Introducing Evn

Today’s Tuesday Trivia is posted by Evn. In addition to being a horror movie buff and a regular commentator here at Property of a Lady, Evn has an intermittently-active blog (Lover of Strife) on being Pagan, gay, fabulous, and sarcastic. Not necessarily in that order.

I’m going out of town tomorrow afternoon until Sunday night and am not sure of my Internet access. Tom, as usual, will be guest-blogging, but so will Evn, especially in the trivia department.

So be nice to him and have fun with the horror movies. I peeked at his quiz. I don’t know any of them.

P.S. “Admin” is me, Deborah.

Blogroll Updated

I just adore The Comics Curmudgeon. Maybe you will too.

Sorry about the light blogging

I’ve been very busy. I’m working on something for Blog for Choice day (Monday) and a special trivia quiz for the Oscar nomination announcements (Tuesday). Which is an odd juxtaposition, now that I’ve written it.

Blog. James Blog.

I’m launching a separate blog for my James Bond writing: The Ultimate James Bond Blog. It seems reasonable to cross-post the Bond stuff in both places, but I think I have (or will develop) a fairly different readership for the two blogs.

So. Bookmarks at twenty paces.

It was, indeed, an honor to be nominated

Well, it seems I came in third. It was oddly thrilling to be a finalist in a contest I didn’t really know existed, yet I cannot express too much disappointment over losing. Because of the not knowing it existed thing. The winner seems very nice, although I find the appeal of mommy blogs fairly limited, it warms my heart that it’s a lesbian mommy blog as opposed to some bizarro world arch conservative I have ten kids because birth control is against God oh my God I’m tired mommy blog.

Inasmuch as awards like this can be said to have a purpose, I suppose the purpose is to increase traffic to small blogs like ours (me and Liza, the lesbian mom, I mean). It would be nice to have picked up new readers from this.

Meanwhile, things here at the blog are going to change. I suppose it would have been ironic to win for a blog that gets revamped the following week. I have been concerned about the mixed-use nature of my blog. Seems like I don’t have much of an identity as a blog. The blog confuses people as much as I do. Well, there was some synergy in that notion because my publisher wants me to start a James Bond blog. That’ll break off the Bond stuff from Property of a Lady (itself ironic, since this blog’s title is Bond-derived), and leave us here with politics, movies, feminism, cats, and Wicca. Already plenty mixed-use if you ask me. I’ll probably also cross-post at least some of the Bond stuff to both blogs.

I’m in the process of setting the Bond blog up for launch. I’ll be back here with more announcements as that happens.

2006 Weblog Awards

The 2006 Weblog Awards

You can vote for Property of a Lady under “Best of the Rest” once per day per computer, so those of you with multiple computers, go wild! (Also, check out the other wonderful finalists; the field for “Best Liberal Blog” is exceptionally rich.)

(And yes, I’m editing this so it stays on top. Vote vote vote. I‘m in second place. Borrow friend’s computers and vote from there as well. Tell your friends. Tell your moms.)

Vote early and often

Voting is up. Just sayin’.

It’s an honor just to be nominated.

In other words, Holy Shit!

I’m a 2006 Weblog Awards Finalist! Yay me!

Blogroll updated

Visit Media Bloodhound. Smart stuff.

The left blogosphere has its feet up

I’ve noticed many of my favorite blogs are posting less than usual. I suspect we are just taking a post-election breather. Wake up, look around, yes, Democrats still won both houses, no, not a dream. Go to bed. Wake up, yes…

Anyway, I wanted to remark on the issue of feminist rants. My review yesterday of Something’s Gotta Give was much on my mind when I decided not to make feminist rants a weekly feature. Not that I’d written it yet, but I was sort of formulating it.

And while formulating, I realized that feminism is something that happens for me in looking at the world. In looking at movies and politics and religion and family life. So to confine the idea of “ranting” to its own category isn’t true for me. It’s there in the movie reviews, there in the politics, there everywhere.

And of course I will continue to share it with you.