Reviews for “The Way of Four”

…informative look at the elements…easy to understand regardless of the reader’s level of expertise. There is a great deal of information packed between its covers…It would certainly be helpful for those seeking a better balance in their lives.

Jennifer Erwin, The Beltane Papers, Autumn, 2005

Deborah Lipp’s The Way of Four is an enthralling guidebook uniting all the elements (air, fire, water, earth) through specific exercises to determine where you’re lacking. If you want to achieve balance at home, she offers key suggestions; also in regard to attire, even perfume. (I seem to be pretty balanced re: the house as I have a great library, a distinctive personal style, fountain, and a nearby green thumb/cook. I can’t wear any perfume in Florida but used to love Halston, water as dominant element (figures, I’m a Pisces). The elements related to work and love are of interest to many! A delightful practical reference tool!

Rochelle H. Holt , Reflections, Fort Meyers, FL

“The Way of Four” is an essential component for any pagan’s library–or anyone who wants to live in harmony with the four basic elements of our existence.
…An absolute must read for seekers of elemental and life balance.

Angela Lions, Body, Mind, Spirt Magazine, September 2004

The meditations…are creative and lovely, as are the rituals that give homage to the elemental energies. The “Way of Four Meditation” and the “Way of Four Ritual” are experiences that should be mandatory for any Witch from first level to elder.

Katrina Rasbold, The Diva Digest

…a pleasant and positive-toned handbook to acheiving balance.

Publisher’s Weekly

I took all of the quizzes and…found them remarkably accurate, and the quizzes were a lot of fun to do.

Tara Koellhoffer, Rare Meat