Tag Archive for Anthony Minghella

Anthony Minghella has died

He was 54 years old.

I loved Truly Madly Deeply and The Talented Mr. Ripley. I did not love Cold Mountain, it had a lot of problems. It also had enough absolute brilliance that I would happily recommend it to anyone, with some caveats about the shit-ass ending and the performance of Rene Zellwegger and Nicole Kidman’s horrendous accent.

He was clearly a talented and visionary writer/director, and he should have produced a lot more work. Should have. We don’t know these things; how long we have, how long we’re meant to have. Art, creation, work, we want them to last, to continue. We want each piece of brilliance to beget a new piece of brilliance. Eventually, that stops happening. And sometimes eventually is really damn soon.

May he be born again.