Tag Archive for Victoria Ganger

Pagan chants

Do you have a good repertoire? Recently I participated in some absolutely excellent ritual, but they kept using the same four chants over and over; all old ones from the seventies.

Chants can lift the tempo or mellow it, they can evoke specific energies needed for specific work. They can bring in elements and focus the mind on deities or purpose. They can create reverence, joy, or solemnity. Knowing a good assortment adds greatly to your magical bag o’ tricks.

Here are some of my favorite sources:
Chants: Ritual Music: The ones from this that get the most use in my house are The Beginning of the Earth, Air I Am, Rise With the Fire, We Are the Flow, Air Moves Us, and Water and Stone.

Mothertongue: I don’t own this one, but a lot of the chants are around in the community and are excellent.

Abbi Spinner McBride is a wonderful Pagan singer, and at least two of her chants, Let the Way Be Open, and Oh Ma Ma Ma, are breathtaking. I’ve heard a second CD but I don’t know it well.

Victoria Ganger is an awesome singer. I use Lord and Lady Now in ritual all the time.