Tuesday Trivia: Twenty Questions

This is an experiment. Let’s see if it’s fun. I’m thinking of a movie. I will tell you how many words in the title (including A or The if it has them), and I will tell you the first letter (not counting A or The if it has them).

You will ask yes/no questions in the manner of 20 Questions, and see if you can guess the film.

If it goes quickly, the winner starts the next round.


2 words

Starts with B


Correction!! I thought the movie title was 2 words, but the IMDb has it as a one-word contraction. You know, like Hairspray instead of Hair Spray. It isn’t Hairspray. But like that. Except with a B.



  1. George says:

    Even with your clues I’m clueless.

    Was it made since 2000?

  2. Evn says:

    No. And frankly, with your IMDB abilities, I’m surprised the riddle didn’t force the answer to involuntarily spew out of your mouth.

  3. Evn says:

    One more hint, just to keep the ball rolling:

    The answer to the riddle is a person.

  4. George says:

    Actually, I only do well when the answers spew out of my mouth without IMDB.

  5. Evn says:

    Huh. Then show her the money, why don’tcha.

  6. Evn says:

    (P.S. – an addendum to the riddle.)

  7. Evn says:

    But you have to explain the riddle and the Kevin Bacon thing.

  8. George says:

    Diary is Bridget Jones, Chicago is Chicago, Massacre is Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. She gets shown the money in Jerry Maguire.

    You can get from Zellweger to Bacon in 2 by starting at Jerry Maguire, going through Tom Cruise (ick) and ending at A Few Good Men.

    Too many titles, so I won’t italicize.

  9. George says:

    Evn, my comment was saved for moderation.

  10. Deborah Lipp says:

    I’d have NEVER gotten that.

    So what do you all think? Do again in the future?

  11. George says:

    Let me try the explanation again. Since you were trying to provide us with Zellweger, the diary is Bridget Jones’. She was Roxie in Chicago. She was in The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which is also called TCM 4. She gets shown the money in Jerry Maguire, and that film is her two-step to Kevin Bacon, as Tom Cruise is in JM with her and then in A Few Good Men with Bacon.

  12. Evn says:

    George, you are an inspiration to all of us.

  13. George says:

    I inspire you to ignore your work at your job?