Tuesday Trivia: All Quotes

1. “God bless Mama, Poppa, Captain Midnight, Veronica Lake, and the President of the United States.”
Solved by George (comment #2).

2. “Play that song about the Irish chiropodist.”
Solved by Melville (comment #4).

3. “I got nothing particular against hanging a murdering rustler; it’s just I don’t like doing it in the dark.”
Solved by Tom Hilton (comment #1).

4. “Good-looking people don’t have any spine. Their art never lasts. They get the girls, but we’re smarter.”
Solved by Hogan (comment #6).

5. “I’m on my feet all day long listening to women talk and they only talk about one thing: How some guy fucked them over.”
Solved by George (comment #5).

6. “Can’t trust a woman in a pants suit. Men wear the pants. The world doesn’t need anymore Hillary Clintons.”
Solved by Barbs (comment #7).

7. “Automobiles are a useless nuisance. Never amount to anything but a nuisance and they had no business to be invented.”
Solved by George (comment #2).


  1. Tom Hilton says:

    Damn, several of those sound maddeningly familiar.

    Is #3 The Oxbow Incident?

  2. George says:

    #1 is Shadow of a Doubt
    #7 is The Magnificent Ambersons

  3. Tom Hilton says:

    Yup, those are two of the ones that sounded familiar.

  4. Melville says:

    #2 is Groucho in Animal Crackers (the punchline is “My Fate is In Your Hands.”)

  5. George says:

    Well, if nobody else is going to answer…#5 is Shampoo.

  6. Hogan says:

    #4 is Almost Famous.

  7. Barbs says:

    # 6 = Breach