Sunday Meditation: How Not to Meditate

Yesterday I decided to pray at my Kali altar. I was feeling stressed and I felt like praying. Most of the time, I pray at the altar in lieu of meditation. It has all of the calming effects of meditation, the prayer serves as a focal point, and it’s meaningful to me.

So anyway, I start by doing all the prep that I do. I clean the altar. Clean off the chair and put it in front of the altar. Put on the music. Light the candles. Light the incense. Get my rosary (mala).

With my mala in my hand, I am prepared to chant 108 times. After the third time, I hear


I’m going to ignore this. I chant a fourth time.


So. I won’t go into the whole story of what happened after that. It wasn’t pretty. I never did get back to my prayer. And the point is, to prepare to meditate, you really have to know that you can meditate. You really should inform the people you live with. You need quiet, and you need to be unencumbered. I forgot that.

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