Madeline L’Engle

Madeline L’Engle has died at the age of 88.

A Wrinkle In Time was one of my go-to books as a kid, I read it over and over. Despite my notable memory problems, I remember large chunks of the book. I still find the explanation of a tesseract, as the ends of cloth meeting one another, incomparably useful.

Madeline L’Engle brought me wonderful characters, extraordinary ideas, and concepts of science and philosophy that didn’t talk down to a young mind. To me, she will live forever.


  1. Melville says:

    I didn’t discover L’Engle until I was about 30. A friend was amazed that I hadn’t read A Wrinkle In Time and lended me her copy. Once I started carrying the book around, I was amazed to discover that everyone I knew had read it.

  2. deblipp says:

    I wanted to buy a copy for my son when he learned to read, and I was amazed to discover it was actually a series. I bought a box set and re-read Wrinkle and then read the rest. Wrinkle was the best. But so much of it remains vivid for me.

  3. OhKen says:

    Marvelous writer…..

  4. Brandi says:

    She was my all-time favorite author as a child and teenager. Her books have been such a joy in my life.