The 7×7 Meme

Oooh…the fun.

Seven Things To Do Before I Die

1. Visit India
2. Be the mother of the groom. In a really fab dress.
3. Hold my grandchild.
4. Okay, and Italy and Greece too.
5. Mend more fences.
6. Fall in love again.
7. Become very old.

Seven Things I Cannot Do

1. Sing on key.
2. Ride a rollercoaster. Just…forget it.
3. Keep my temper reliably…I mean, I can do it sometimes, but…
4. Play in the snow. Or even, y’know, think about playing in the snow.
5. Be quiet.
6. Wear makeup every single day.
7. Fit in.

Seven Things That Attract Me to…Blogging

1. The ability to shoot off my mouth. What more can a girl want?
2. It’s a much easier interface for the mouth-shooting and the site-updating and the thought-expressing than many of the other options available.
3. Being part of a blogging community of people I respect and admire.
4. Stealing stuff (okay, linking to and crediting stuff) from people smarter than me.
5. Communicating with the invisible audience in a more interactive way.
6. Makes me feel, I dunno…cutting edge or sumthin.
7. Endless possibilities.

Seven Things I Say Most Often

1. Do your homework.
2. Fabulous.
3. Not so much.
4. If I wanted to fucking interact with fucking clients, I wouldn’t have become a writer.
5. Blessed be.
6. Use your goddamn signal, moron.

Seven Books That I Love

1. The Little Prince, Antoine de St. Exupery
2. The Earthsea books (was a trilogy, got bigger), Ursula K. LeGuinn
3. Witchcraft for Tomorrow, Doreen Valiente
4. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, Mark Haddon
5. A really good dictionary
6. An Anthropologist on Mars, Oliver Sacks
7. Drawing Down the Moon, Margot Adler

Seven Movies That I Watch Over and Over Again

1. Top Hat
2. The Producers (original)
3. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
4. Moonstruck
5. Four Weddings and a Funeral
6. Singin’ in the Rain
7. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Seven People I Want To Join In Too
1. Tom
2. Arthur
3. Amy
4. Bert
5. Thesaurus Rex
6. You
7. You too

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