Sunday Meditation: Cloak of Peace

This is a meditation that creates a post-hypnotic suggestion that can be used to help you with ungoing problems. I am here creating a Cloak of Peace that can help with anxiety, but you can use a Cloak of Calm or Focus to help with hyperactivity or restlessnes, you can use a Cloak of Serenity to deal with mood swings or rage, you can use a Cloak of Contentment to help manage depression.

Ground and center.

Breathe in and feel peace. Suffuse yourself with peace.

Breathe out and release anxiety. Anxiety, worries, and unhappy thoughts rush away from you as air leaves your lungs.

Breathe in: Peace.

Breath out: Release anxiety.

As you begin to feel more and more peaceful, visualize yourself putting on a beautiful cloak. It is a lovely color, a color you associate with peace. (For most people, this is a deep sky blue, but you can choose any color you like.)

You are wearing your cloak, and breathing in peace. Notice how peaceful you feel, while visualizing the cloak as clearly as possible. See its color. Feel the texture of the fabric, and the weight of it on your shoulders. Feel the warmth as it envelopes you.

Your cloak envelopes you in peace.

After doing this meditation several times over a period of days, you can begin to put on the cloak in order to feel more peaceful. Say you’re out in public and feel a lot of anxiety. Visualize putting on the cloak. Or you’re sitting down to take your SATs and waves of anxiety hit you. Visualize putting on the cloak. You can put on the cloak before entering into a situation that you know will make you anxious.

It’s important to occasionally do the full meditation, creating peace, putting on the cloak, and then feeling the peace. Do it once in a while even after the cloak is working on its own, to reinforce it.

One comment

  1. […] time, I introduced the concept of a Cloak of Peace, and suggested that it could be used for a variety of purposes. Today, I’d like to continue […]