What Famous Feline Are You?

Which famous feline are you?

You’re Hobbes. First of all, the makers of this quiz would like to congratulate you. You have our seal of approval. You are kind, intelligent, loving, and good-humoredly practical. You’re proud of who you are. At the same time, you’re tolerant of those who lack your clearsightedness. You’re always playful, but never annoying. For these traits, you are well-loved, and with good cause.
Take this quiz!

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  1. Melville says:

    I’m The Pink Panther:

    “You’re the Pink Panther. Suave and sophisticated, you enjoy your superiority and your natural grace. Though to some, this attitude makes you appear arrogant, most people are attracted by it rather than turned off. You especially enjoy being in the social spotlight. It just doesn’t get any better than this.”

  2. deblipp says:

    Pink Panther is way cool. I like being Hobbes, though.

  3. Ken says:

    I was Hobbes when I took this at Roberta’s…….

  4. deblipp says:

    …And Roberta was Tigger. I haven’t explored the quiz thoroughly, but they certainly seem to have an EXCELLENT selection of famous felines.

  5. Barbs says:

    I got Hobbes

  6. Pan says:

    Cheshire….of course

  7. oddjob says:

    Also Hobbes. I took the mythical beast quiz too, where I scored as a unicorn.