Contest: Name the Gang of Two

Okay, there are like 50 people a day reading this blog (or skimming it and going Hell, no!) but no one has commented all week. So, here’s your chance.

Tonight Mary arrives with our two new adorable six week old orange kittens. Perfect for poker stakes in the Buffyverse. (But I digress. ) At home I have been referring to the anticipated new arrivals as the Gang of Two.

Arthur and I are having serious name-the-kittens squabbles. I want to call them Fred and Ginger, but Arthur feels it violates his principles to name a ginger kitty Ginger. (Fred and Ginger are perfect names because I have a tendency to call everyone and everything Fred. Or Freddie.)

Going for the Serenity tie-in, I thought Mingo and Fanty would be great, but Arthur points out that both movie characters are male, plus I keep getting mixed up and saying Mango and Finty. Which aren’t bad either.

Arthur suggested Patience and Fortitude, which are pretty damn good, if portentious, and Forty is a nice nickname. (I have been in love with the original Patience and Fortitude as long as I can remember.)

Sorry I haven’t installed a poll plug-in yet, this will be manual.

The Gang of Two should be called:
Fred and Ginger
Mingo and Fanty (Fanty’s the pretty one)
Mango and Finty
Patience and Fortitude
Other _________

If you win the contest, you get kittens named in your honor.


  1. Tom Hilton says:

    Definitely Mingo and Fanty. Then they can try to confuse you about which is which.

    Also, drastically underpay you for those crimes you commit.

  2. Debra says:

    Patience and Fortitude, god knows I need it on a daily basis. But then I named my dog Shai Shai because if you say it correctly it means thanks in Chinese and I wanted the world to say thanks even if they didn’t know they were.

  3. Barbs says:

    Pinky and the brain

  4. Barbs says:

    Ok Charlie says Yin and Yang or Dumb and Dumber

  5. deblipp says:

    I am NOT naming the kitties Dumb and Dumber. Charlie is a meanie.

  6. deblipp says:

    And btw, they’re sitting in a corner hissing at us.

  7. Barbs says:

    kiss you hiss you love cats ( the cure)

  8. Nobody in Particular says:

    Some suggestions, many of them facetious:

    [1] Shock and Awe
    (Or, if one is particularly cute, Shock and Aww)

    [2] Gidney and Cloid
    (Now that I think of it, these were both male โ€ฆ or did anyone really know?)

    [3] Fango and Minty
    (This is dangerously close to Minty Frangoยฎ, which, I think, is a patented trademark of Marshall Field’s)

    [4] A corollary to Fred and Ginger that would satisfy Arthur’s stricture would be Astaire and Rogers. (Asty and Rog โ€ฆ or Asta, which was the name of Nick and Nora’s dog in The Thin Man.)

    [5] Cut and Run

    [6] Sturm und Drang
    (Or, as the Microsoft spell-checker tried to suggest, Sternum and Drano. No kidding.)
    You get to decide who gets to be “Storm” and who gets to be “Urge.”

    [7] Siegmund and Sieglinde
    (Make up your own dirty joke)

    [8] Pork and Beans
    (Make up your own dirty joke.)

    [9] Abercrombie and Fitch

    [10] Fabercrombie and Itch

    [11] (A) Lick and (a) Promise

    [12] Hollywood and Vine

    [13] Madison and 33rd

    [14] To make things really interesting around the household, name them Deb and Arthur.

    Sorry. Slow morning.

  9. Tom Hilton says:

    Just don’t call them Late for Dinner.

  10. deblipp says:

    My strange uncle had two cats named Food. Because he put down the dish and said “Food” and they would come to him. I used to write him letters on paper when I was a teen, and one day I get a letter that says “Half of Food is sick.”

    Took me a minute.

    I’m liking “Astaire and Rogers.” Must get Arthur to read the suggestions. Of course, at the moment, they’re Hissy and Bitchy.

  11. bgruagach says:

    How about Regnig and Derf?

    Or if you want to go with a Harry Potter theme, call them Gred and Feorge.

  12. Nobody in Particular says:

    I’m kinda partial to Sternum and Drano, myself.

    Correction: In my previous comment, I misspelled “Cloyd” of Gidney and Cloyd fame. I regret the error. (And it occurs to me that one of them had a mustache, which could be evidence by which to construe gender. So, it’s likely that at least one of them was male. I regret that I don’t know which one.)

    Actually, “Late” and “For Dinner” aren’t bad names at all. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. deblipp says:

    Or if you want to go with a Harry Potter theme, call them Gred and Feorge.
    Our last cat had a Harry Potter theme name, and that ended badly. Plus Arthur is fifteen, and Harry Potter is soooo 14-and-below. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Ken says:

    How ’bout Kaylee and Inara?

  15. foxydot says:

    what about “senenity” and “firefly”? bit obvious maybe.

    i take it there is a boy & a girl? could be luke and leia.

    hrm. not full of great suggestions, but feeling better having commented. ;D

  16. deblipp says:

    I’m like anti-Star Wars, so not Luke & Leia. I’m more likely to go “Spock and McCoy” or “James and Pussy.” And yeah, boy & girl, so not Kaylee and Inara. Serenity & Firefly is not bad tho’.

  17. Ken says:

    Somehow I missed the whole gender thing…..

    Personally I think Mango and Finty are great – but I used to run two computer systems named Phred and Ralf…….

  18. CmdrSue says:

    I like the whole Mingo and Fanty thing. I’m a HUGE fan of Firefly. I’d be tempted to use Mal and Inara, myself. Then I’d be running around the house yelling for “Captain Tight-Pants” and “The Ambassador.”

    I like Spock and McCoy, too. For a long time my (step)sister and I roleplayed Spock and McCoy everywhere we went. If you can imagine two twelve year old girls ordering at McDonalds in character – it was very funny.

    My orange kitty is named Mr. Bond and also answers to “James darling.” My two (black) females are Solitaire and Contessa. Yes, we need to buy your James Bond fan book. ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Barbs says:

    how about Zim and Grr? If you have never seen Invader Zim you should

  20. deblipp says:

    Whoa, Commander Sue, we really have a lot in common!

    My screenie on all the Bond sites is Kara Milovy. Maybe Kara & Pushkin?

  21. Barbs says:

    James and Moneypenny?

  22. CmdrSue says:

    So last night I came up with another Firefly reference for names: Shiny and Gorram. Heh-heh.

    I also like Kara and Pushkin because they aren’t obvious. I like names with a little mystery. Our latest Norwegian Elkhound mix is named Herger the Joyous after a character in The 13th Warrior. A character who was, of course, Norwegian. I even emailed the actor Dennis Storhoi to tell him he had a little namesake over here in America.

  23. foxydot says:

    oooh, i *like* Shiny and Gorram. That’s cute.

  24. deblipp says:

    Shiny and Gorram is very cute. I was thinking about M and Moneypenny, but Arthur will reject it (he vetoed Kara & Pushkin).

  25. isabelita says:

    How about Zucco and Zucca? No references, just sort of sweet, I think.

  26. CmdrSue says:

    Shiny can be the “good” sweet, wimpy one and Gorram can be the “bad” hissy, fussy one. And when the “bad kitty’s” name is also a curse word it makes things more efficient. Potted plant knocked on the floor? “Where is that Gorram cat!?!” For the other baby it will be, “How is Mommy’s Shiny kitty?”

  27. Arwen and Aragorn, of course. ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. JillK. says:

    Sturn und Drang!

    And if they are hissing and are scared, try purring at them. Worked ever time with my first cat, who I rescued from abuse. Now, he purrs at me!

  29. CmdrSue says:

    Ooooo. Arwen and Aragorn. Although the little fair relatives might be better suited to Eowyn and Eomer.

  30. Barbs says:

    Ok since cats are members of the Newtonian Enforcement Squad ( ever vigelent in testing that gravity is still working ) you could go with Einstien and Curie

    Or let them reveal their secret cats names:
    Here are some of the names our cats have revealed to us over the years
    Slugboy, Running Sausage, Mr Fluffy Pantalones, Crazy legs.

  31. Barbs says:

    oh and i forgot
    Fluffy and Flaky , the buscuit twins

  32. CmdrSue says:

    Secret cat names? You mean like Tailchaser and Eats-Bugs? (If anyone here loves cats and hasn’t read Tailchaser’s Song – go get it now!)

    All of our pets get nicknames, so are those their true names? The Puddle of Love, Thunder Paws, Bean-bean, Death Breath (aka Darth Vapor), Toodles, T-Boo, Wookie… I could go on, but I guess I should stop…