ConVocation Wrap-up

So, I attended ConVocation on the outskirts of Detroit, Michigan last week. And seriously, the stuff they say about February and Detroit? Turns out to be true.

But this was an exceptionally, even shockingly, well-organized event. How they managed to have a hotel accomodate three rituals and a masquerade dance party simultaneously on a Saturday night is beyond me.

I mean, these people are so organized that the event info for ‘007 is already replaced on the website with planning info for ’08. I’ve been to festivals that still have their 2005 pages up!

The guests of honor were impressive, including Chris Penczak, Gus DiZerega, and T. Thorn Coyle. Lots of good teaching and ritual happened. And by the way, majorly comfy hotel room. Yummy mattress. Many fluffy pillows. La.

My classes went extremely well, and I sold a lot of books. Not as many as I would have had I brought more…I really wasn’t anticipating the enthusiasm. These are focused, interested people. I taught four classes (which is a lot): The Way of Four, Who Are the Gardnerians and Why Are They Naked?, Demeter, Persephone, and Hades, and The Nature of Deity.

I have to say I got pretty homesick, which is unusual for me. But that’s not the fault of the event. I got home tired but successful and more or less collapsed. Ate Chinese takeout Monday night and plain pasta last night, just no kitchen energy. But I feel better today.

Thank you, loyal blog readers, for putting up with my low output. I’m going to have more to say about this event soon.


  1. Barbs says:

    Sounds like fun but sounds like cold. I actully turned down going to a conference ( work paid) in Denver because I had no warm clothes to wear? I went to the one in Boca Raton instead

  2. deblipp says:

    Well, I have warm clothes and I mostly stayed indoors, so I didn’t really suffer. There was one room I taught in where the a/c kept kicking in, and Gus DiZerega ended up getting me his down parka to wear, which looked silly but I was literally freezing as I tried to teach.