Blessed Samhain

This year, I’ve been doing quite a bit of Samhain-related media appearances. (Not to mention the ritual tonight at the New Jersey Witches Ball benefit in Montclair—hope you’re coming!) One radio show in Toronto that orients towards the occult, spooky things, and UFOlogy mostly wanted to talk about spells and psychic self-defense, but another California radio show is focused on relationships, and asked a lot of question about a witch’s relationship to the sacred.

So I’m feeling acutely aware of this as the most holy day of the year.

The veil between the worlds is thin. If I were to walk in the forest, I might pass through the veil and into Fairie. I might bide for an afternoon and return to this world ten years later. These stories are usually told on Beltane, and stories of communion with the dead are told on Samhain, but it is the same veil.

Tonight I will commune with my beloved dead. What does it mean? It means love doesn’t end.

I miss my Nana. I miss her. Tonight I will be with her.

I miss my good friend Scott Cunningham. Tonight I will be with him.

I miss my beloved fiance John Shaffrey. We will be together tonight.

I miss my good cat Charlotte. She will join me tonight.

The world is full of death just as the world is full of life. Tonight, let us remember that they are not separate things. The Wheel of Rebirth binds us all.

Blessed be.


  1. Tracy says:

    So many times, in the midsts of the all merriment, I felt the sense of my loved ones that had passed on. At those moments, I would think “this we do for you”. I was particularly touched by how many people really seemed to focus on connecting with there own. It was a powerful ritual and a lovely event!

    Thanks, Deborah.

  2. melissa says:

    Nicely put. The words I can come up with to describe how I felt last night are “in between.” Two very painful losses this year made this Samhain especially poignant. The sense of calm, of comfort, of merriment, and love felt last night placed that pain into perspective. I miss, but presence was felt. I love being a witch.

  3. Tracy says:

    “the sense of calm and comfort” is exactly what I feel at this time of the year. Even as a child, aside from the costumes and the candy, there was always a sense that something in the atmosphere was changing.