Snow Outside and Icy Fingers Inside

We on the Northeast woke up icy cold this morning.

I have a super-duper double-setback thermostat. You know what this means if you have one. You set the heat to become liveable a few minutes before your alarm goes off, so that when it’s time to get up you don’t say “Frack this, it’s too cold” and stay in bed. Then it goes back to frigid just before it’s time to leave the house so you don’t say “Frack this, it’s cozy here in the house, I’m staying home.”

It does this on your weekday schedule, and then it has a different weekend schedule which involves waking up later and staying in the house longer.

Except Thanksgiving is a Thursday. I don’t live in the Bill Gates House o’ Computerized Fun, so my thermostat doesn’t know it’s a holiday today. Thursday is a work day, it thinks. That means cozy warm at six a.m., and then, 8:30 rolls around and WHAMMO I’m Freezing Girl (my super power? I turn blue. I wear a fetching fleece cape wrapped around me and I shiver inside it).


  1. Barbs says:

    Gee, i wonder if you have any friends in FLORIDA you might want to visit with this winter