Another Take on the War on Christmas

I found this at Pandagon, and I was just so moved.

This is an excerpt from a longer quote by a Jew talking about how Jews have been so welcomed in the U.S., and how wonderful it has been to be allowed the full rights of citizenship here, unlike in many of the places we have been.

“Yet we were still grateful because we who were here, and those of us yet to be born were afforded the opportunity to be full citizens. When we bought houses we remembered our ancestors who weren’t allowed to. It still amazes me and I’m basically third generation; but I heard so many stories and met so many people with numbers on their arms. I have never taken being free for granted. You accept us as we have never before been accepted in modern history.

Just understand that we’re not your problem. You are. If a person can find G-d in a concentration camp, any American can find G-d anywhere. It’s up to you to put Christ back in Christmas, not us. “

Honest to goodness, if that isn’t a wake up call, what is?


  1. pia says:

    Thanks for understanding! It’s much appreciated. Was beginning to think everybody who reads that thinks my Jewish tush is kissing Christians!

    Originally wrote it for the political blog I helped found, Bring it on!

  2. deblipp says:

    I thought it was a beautiful post.