It’s National Delurk Day!

C’mon, show the love! I get between 70-110 hits a day here, and I’ve got maybe 15 unique commenters. Here’s the chance for the rest of you to intorduce (sorry, in-joke) yourselves. Gimme location, gimme life story, gimme favorite fast food; whatever you like. I’m all ears.

(And yes, I know it’s a different holiday for some of you whose boyfriend didn’t dump you last year rather than acknowledge said holiday, but for me, it’s Delurk Day. Live with it.)


  1. deblipp says:

    Well, this is going well.

  2. Barb says:

    well you know ME

  3. bloo says:

    delurking-i sold your elements books a while back on amazon and regret it ever since

  4. Jason says:

    Hullo! I’m Jason, a faithful lurker here at the Deblipp blog. I’m sixteen years old and live in rural South Dakota, where I am the local crazy pagan.
    Consider me delurked!

  5. sari0009 says:

    Well, since you’re nearly begging …

    WI, USA. 45. Pagan since ’95. (A lawyer introduced me to Wicca back then.)

    Unique enough commenter, in my own way. Saw your stuff on, liked it, and from there I hit your blog … find myself coming back frequently.

    I like your organization, tone, wit, and unique perspective.

  6. deblipp says:

    Okay, here are my hellos.

    Hello Barb.

    Hey, bloo! Buy a new one. 🙂 🙂

    Jason, hi! Pagan in SD? Ouch.

    And Sari, hi to you too. Thanks for the compliments. And for the visits.

  7. bgruagach says:

    Hi everyone.

    I read Deb’s blog every day and post comments once in a blue moon.

    My (Pagan) name is Ben Gruagach. I’m Canadian although I’ve lived in the US with my sweetheart since Samhain 2001. We lived in Phoenix AZ for a while but now live just outside Minneapolis MN.

    I’m 39 years old and have been actively Pagan (eclectic Wiccan) since I was about fourteen years old.

  8. deblipp says:

    Hey Ben! I have had to add the word “blog” to my “moderate” file because of this new kind of spam that says “Hey! Love your blog! Keep up the good work.” I get a few of those every week now. Totally annoying.

  9. Tom Hilton says:

    Greetings from beautiful downtown Modesto.

  10. deblipp says:

    How’s the tacos?

  11. Tom Hilton says:

    Awesome! Some trucks are better than others, but I haven’t had a bad taco yet. Great carnitas at Los Portalitos, great al pastor at Tacos Jessica #4.

  12. foxydot says:

    Oh dear, I missed delurk day. I should buy you flowers.

    I’m foxydot, I’m marginally Wiccan (not what the lovely folks on A&J would call Wiccan, but the head of my Trad calls us Wiccans and, well, it’s all very confusing from there on out) and a big fan of your books, not to mention your posts on the aforementioned list. So I found myself here one day through this that and the other thing and have been checking in ever since because, well, it good fun stuff and you seem to be more informed about goings on than I am so you point me in the right direction for informedness.

    I live in Cincinnati and I don’t eat much fast food, but I do love a good fish & chips.

  13. deblipp says:

    Hi, foxydot! Nice to meet you. A&J is…special. 🙂

  14. Sarah says:

    Ohh, two days late! That’s what happens when I only check in every three days or so. 🙂

    Hi! I’m Sarah. I live on the east coast of Canada and was directed to your books by James Berry, who I met at a pagan event about a year and a half ago. I found your blog only recently, though. 🙂

    I’m a mom of two littles, a writer and a procrastinator. I have a fondness for emoticons, blogs and knitting, and spend far too much time on the internet.

  15. deblipp says:

    Hi Sarah! James is all right. Emoticons are dangerous, though. 🙂

  16. Sarah says:

    That’s what James says. 😛 Or he would. LOL

  17. Your interesting blog posts both encourage and discourage me from writing in my own long-neglected blog: the first because you touch on so many fascinating subjects, the second because I can’t hope to attain your wit and eloquence.

    My location is Sedalia, Missouri, USA; my life story would be too long for this space (be careful what you ask for; you might get it… 🙂 ); my favorite fast food is pizza. Yes, I’m very late in responding to your invitation to de-lurk. I’ve been a procrastinator all my life, but now in my old age it’s become ridiculous… 🙂

    I always remember with fondness the time I was attending your classes.

    Love and blessings and all good wishes,


  18. James Berry says:

    Wow….better late than never. Glad I’m all right, Deb! 😉

  19. deblipp says:

    Hi James, LTNS!