Who Is Your Bond Film Alter Ego?

You shake and stir us as Tiffany Case!

Oh James! You’re the sneaky smuggler Tiffany Case who relishes the fact that diamonds are forever. Your eyes are drawn to the sparkling things in life and why not? You’re a lady with high standards and the looks and style to match. However, while you love keeping up with the latest fashion trends, you’re probably most comfortable in a skimpy bikini, preferably with a cool drink and a swimming pool nearby. A hunky lad to put sun tan lotion on your back would be a nice distraction. We think you’d prefer the easy life, but expensive tastes and a relaxing lifestyle are not comfortable bed partners. Just remember that unless you marry into money you’re going to have to earn those lazy holidays, so try to plan ahead and make the most of your bikini time when you’re there. Despite your laid back attitude to life we think there’s room in your life for a few risks and excitement. After all even the perfect cocktail needs mixing up – whether it’s shaken or just stirred.

Take the test!


  1. OhKen says:

    I want to take over the world as Blofeld! (I took the Bond villain test…..)

    Where are you? Ah, couldn’t see you behind that white fluffy cat. You’re the politely sinister Ernest Stavro Blofeld and you’ve many attempts to take over the world. Come on, admit it, you’re incredibly ambitious and have already made plans on how to get your first million – perhaps you’ve already made it. You have an ingenious mind that is not restricted by the norms of social behaviour. Your alter ego hypnotised scores of babes to secretly do his dirty work for him and we know this appeals to you. However, before you start planning their kinky uniforms you need to remember that what comes around goes around. What if some power crazed woman decided to turn men into a trance to do her evil bidding? Let’s face it; men would probably follow orders from women in kinky uniforms without being hypnotised. You could end up cleaning toilets or even replacing the seat every time after you pee. We advise you to restrict your devious plans to those that bring good into the world. Just think smiling faces and cute kittens or you can expect a visit from evil, yet attractive henchwomen!

  2. deblipp says:

    I always knew that about you, Ken. 🙂

  3. Hypothetically, I’m Honey Ryder, though for some reason the picture they gave me was Stacey Sutton.


  4. deblipp says:

    The picture is Stacey Sutton on all of them. 🙁

  5. CmdrSue says:

    You shake and stir us as Jinx!

    Oh James! You’re Bond’s true equal, Jinx, the glamorous, high diving secret agent who has the intelligence to stay one leap ahead of any smooth-talking Casanova. You’re certainly no ice maiden, but you’re not one to fall for any cunning linguist. In fact we think you might enjoy the thrill of cutting to the chase, in this case chasing off unsuitable suitors, whose hearts have been melted by your effortless charms. You know that life is for living and you’ve been known to turn into a party animal when it suits, but you need more than a few drinks to have a good time. You know that enjoying yourself is not restricted to alcohol and you prefer to be stirred and shaken by life itself and you’re always looking for your next challenge. This may be training for a fun run, taking a home study course or raising the children. We know you’re all woman, not to mention much more than most men can handle! We say go for it. After all, life is for living – we can die another day.

  6. deblipp says:

    Jinx is a hot choice, but I’m happy being Tiffany. 🙂

  7. That’s just so wrong.

  8. deblipp says:

    Ben, I agree. Of all Bond girls to use as an illustration…!