Okay, I just joined Netflix

So if I don’t like it, I blame pretty much everyone I know.


  1. Tom Hilton says:

    Ooh! Ooh! Blame me! 😉

    I think you’ll love it. You watch a high enough volume of movies to make it really, really worthwhile. Enjoy!

  2. deblipp says:

    The woman I eat lunch with is a huge movie buff, very knowledgable, and she twisted my arm. And she’s a pretty tough dyke, so ow. I joined the $10/month plan which is 1 movie at a time, unlimited per month. I should manage 4 or 5 a month like that in NY, and the in-between days can be TiVo days.

  3. deblipp says:

    But the way they organize their recommendations, doesn’t seem like you can check off “seen it”; just whether or not you’d like to see it.

  4. Tom Hilton says:

    I think the only way you can indicate that you’ve seen a movie is to rate it.

    We’re legacy members–we joined back in 2000, when it was 4 movies for $17.95. I think it’s up to $21.95, but we can still have 4 movies out at any time.

  5. barbs says:

    You can either just rate it or click not interested, I’ll add you to my friends list

  6. deblipp says:

    Okay, now we have friends lists. I have 2 friends now. This is fun.

  7. Debra says:

    Oooh, I’ll make a friend’s list too. My mom loves Cirque du Soleil and they have a good supply as well as shows you’ve forgotten.

  8. Debra says:

    except I don’t know the emails to add. oops.

  9. Jaspenelle says:

    My husband and I have used NetFlix for 4 months now and it is good, sometimes if you start getting to many movies NetFlix will send you one of their copies from FL (and I live in WA) so I take longer to get it…

  10. Cosette says:

    I LOVE Netflix. I started out with the standard 3-DVDs plan for $17.99, but wasn’t going through them quickly enough to really get my money’s worth. Now I’m on the 2-DVDs plan for $14.99 and this works out great. I get to see great films that aren’t often available at Blockbuster and they just keep coming to my front door. I think you’ll love it.