
I love this time of year. I was just out, running a long, annoying errand, and I got such a thrill from it.

First you get the crocuses. You see a robin. But the trees are bare and the weather sucks. Then there’s a warm day, and on the second warm day I took my rosemary plant outside. Then it dropped to 35° and I hope m’darling rosemary survives.

Then you see some buds. Then some more buds. You start to hope.

Then there’s a day like today. Suddenly, there’s forsythia everywhere, furious with yellow. There’s white dogwood and bright flashes of pink cherry blossom and crabapples. Everywhere you look, there’s blossom.

And you look at the other trees, about half of them still, bare and wintery, and you think “It’ll happen. It’ll come.”


  1. Krissy says:

    one day at a time and then the whole world explodes in color. Those pictures are amazing.

  2. Dan says:

    Thank you so much for those pictures because here(Québec City)we still have some snow and the trees are just begining to grow buds.

  3. deblipp says:

    Every day, a few more buds. Dogwood is stinky but beautiful. There’s a big one next to my front door.

  4. Tina says:

    Just to let you know, your link to ‘cherry blossom’ links to a communication website that then won’t let you get back to your page. I had to reload from my favourites. Wish well xx

  5. deblipp says:

    Thanks. I fixed it.