Archive for May 2, 2006

This time, for sure, Rocky!

Okay, here’s the totally official trailer. In English.

I am too thrilled for words. It really is a wonderful snippet of film. Oh, Gods, she says “blunt instrument”! I love Fleming references.

The New York Times on Net Neutrality

In today’s Op-Ed:

The House Energy and Commerce Committee defeated a good Net-neutrality amendment last week. But the amendment got more votes than many people expected, suggesting that support for Net neutrality is beginning to take hold in Congress. In the Senate, Olympia Snowe, a Maine Republican, and Byron Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat, are drafting a strong Net-neutrality bill that would prohibit broadband providers from creating a two-tiered Internet. Senators who care about the Internet and Internet users should get behind it.

Just review the book, gorram it

In the brief life of The Way of Four Spellbook, I’ve gotten exactly three reviews, two very positive ( and Publisher’s Weekly). One, not so much.

I can take a bad review. I even link to the About review despite the fact that she calls me annoying. The reviewer is directly addressing the tone in which I write. She is entitled to an opinion about that; hence the word “review.” (Besides which, I even annoy myself.)

But a lot of reviewers don’t show evidence of actually knowing what a book review is. » Read more..

Big Bond News

I mean BIG.

So big.

Teaser trailer is out. It’s in French but Oh. My. God. I’m drooling.

And as if that’s not enough, I have new wallpaper.

Oh, happy day to be a Bond fan.

Update: Nevermind.