This time, for sure, Rocky!

Okay, here’s the totally official trailer. In English.

I am too thrilled for words. It really is a wonderful snippet of film. Oh, Gods, she says “blunt instrument”! I love Fleming references.


  1. Ken says:


    He still doesn’t LOOK like Bond, but maybe he can ACT like Bond……

  2. deblipp says:

    I’m right there with you. I’m thinking a movie that looks this good might well withstand having an ugly guy with big fat ears playing 007.

  3. Inanna says:

    He’s sexy/ugly, I think, and a very good actor. Having seen the preview, I have some hope.

    Thanks so much for these preview links!

  4. deblipp says:

    I’ve been in the just-plain-ugly camp, but I may convert to sexy/ugly after this. It looooooooks sooooooooooo gooooooooooooood.

    Sorry. Drool.

  5. Tom Hilton says:

    It does look good. Nice combination of noirish and sun-drenched-Bond-movie-style visuals.

    Did they decide to release it early because of an unauthorized release of the French version? I thought it wasn’t coming out until May 15.

  6. deblipp says:

    Of course they wouldn’t say so, but I suspect you’re right about the timing of the release, Tom.