Friday Kittenblogging: Classical Tabbies of the Serengeti

(HT to Barb for the title)

It appears someone has been peeing inappropriately. AGAIN.

Prime suspect
She looks innocent enough.jpg

Now this is funny. Mingo was in this awesome position, all stretched out flat on the floor and showing some very manly profile. But when I got down to get a picture, he got up to come look at me. So I ended up snapping this very stalky Mighty Hunter thing.

Mighty Hunter of the Hallway


  1. Ken says:

    Awesome Mighty Hunter pic……. !!

  2. deblipp says:

    My little killer.

  3. Barbs says:

    Great Pic of him!! by the way, Uncle Gary is visiting here this weekend. When are you going to make time from your madcap whirlwind book tour to come by?

  4. deblipp says:

    Say hi to the Gay Neighbor from me.

    I dunno, we’ll discuss at Starwood. Maybe winter. I hear Florida is popular in the winter.