I’m losing my mind

Not in the I’m so upset I can’t think straight sense. Nor in the I am seeing pink elephants this can’t be good sense. Merely in the I can’t remember shit and I must be getting old sense.

Hear that sizzle? That’s brain cells frying.

Earlier, it took me about three full minutes to remember the name of the villain played by Jonathan Pryce in Tomorrow Never Dies. Come! On! I wrote the frickin BOOK.

My IQ is just whithering away. I need sex. Sex would fix this. Don’t try to tell me otherwise.


  1. Barbs says:

    Right, You have been losing IQ points every time you ovulate, You need to get something back

  2. deblipp says:

    Exactly. So output high, intake low…

  3. paula says:


    Okay. It’s not a man.
    But it won’t talk back or tell you how to raise your child & it doesn’t have bad teeth. The top of your head may blow off, but it’s all good. Trust me, this is experience talking….

  4. paula says:

    damn. It gave me an error. goodvibes.com…look at the Hitachi magic wand, and for the love of god, get the plug in one. Not the one with batteries.

  5. deblipp says:

    Yeah, you can’t link directly to a product because you have to first pass the front page age check.

    But really, I don’t much care for the automatic. I prefer to drive a manual.

  6. Barbs says:

    and you don’t get the IQ points back either

  7. deblipp says:

    Good point.