It’s okay if you marry the victim?

Oh. My. Gods.

Oh Gods I just saw the most horrible thing. Countdown had a clip of Matt Lauer interviewing Crazy Child Molesting Teacher Mary Kay Letourneau. CCMT married her victim, Vili Fualaau, and this interview commemorates their one year wedding anniversary.

Oh my frickin GAWD.

The entire tone of the interview was all about what a nice couple they were, and how everyone was wrong about them. What do you say, Lauer asked, to those few people who still have doubts. Still. Have doubts. Doubts about…whether child molestation is wrong? About whether it was true love from the start…when he was eight years old? (She has contended the ‘connection’ dates from that time. Which, ew.)

So what am I to take from this? Is marriage a magic panacea that wipes out all harm? Is this Luke and Laura for the public, and as long as we can spin a tale of “true love” that ends at the altar, it’s all okay? Is this the sanctity of marriage being protected by the right? (And of course, one year of marriage is enough to “prove” the “naysayers” wrong. Because we all know that your marriage is perfect if you pass the one year mark.)

I just don’t get it. The whole thing is painted as so all-American. Is this what they mean by family values? Grooming an eight year old for eventual sex, at age fourteen (or younger) is okay?

It was a seven minute interview. I was so disgusted, so sickened, and I thought, this isn’t like a train wreck. I can stop. And I fast-forwarded to the next segment (thank you, TiVo.)


  1. Roberta says:

    Ooh, Luke and Laura. Good one. I was a watcher, back then. And if it weren’t for the fact that these two shiny and charismatic actors were on a soap opera, after all, I never would have swallowed it. But even at my young age, I voiced loudly that there was NO FUCKING WAY that the rape wasn’t a rape. It had a theme song forfuxake. (that was for Arthur). We loved that song. It would come on the radio and we’d be all It’s Laura’s rape song!

    I’m picturing a dream sequence (much like the Infidelity Club on thirtysomething) of a party hosted by the (cough*sputter) Fualaaus, with Jerry Lee Lewis & cuz, and Woody Allen and whats.her.head on his arm. ew ew ew.

    k ps no idea how to do the ‘more’ thing on my page.

  2. Roberta says:

    Oh no I had an actual ps. Jill Sobule has the most amazing song… about CCMT… did I play it for you? I think I did. It’s called Mary Kay off of Pink Pearl. Amazing.

  3. deblipp says:

    I think I heard Mary Kay on the radio.

    Is this not the most disturbing thing? Is Matt Lauer being happy for the newlyweds the only thing in the world that could be MORE disturbing. I need to shower again.

    Woody Allen and whats.her.head on his arm. ew ew ew.

    Soon Yi Previn. Yeah. And I don’t understand why there’s always some Conservative columnist defending Woody Allen and complaining about moonbat liberals who condemn him. Is child molesting really a Conservative value? Can we get this in the ads?

  4. Roberta says:

    Again; it ended in marriage, which means it was always a love story. Like Luke and Laura.

    Wouldn’t work if they were same sex though…

  5. deblipp says:

    Because Luke & Laura is FAMILY VALUES but Jim & Jim from American Beauty are not. Shoot me now.

  6. Rain says:

    The whole thing blows my mind. It’s obvious if the genders were reversed (8 year old girl, adult man) everyone would be throwing a fit. WTF?

  7. Roberta says:

    It’s not obvious to me. Not if Elvis waits til Priscilla is old enough to marry him.

  8. deblipp says:

    Rain, I have to disagree. Soon Yi Previn was about 8 when Woody Allen first met her. People have this weird idea that marriage makes the original molestation okay.

  9. Rain says:

    I’m confused – the woman had sex with a 12 year old boy. She didn’t just meet him at 8, she had sex with him at 12. You don’t think if a male teacher had sex with a 12 year old female student and claimed “they felt the connection when she was 8” people would be in an uproar?

  10. deblipp says:

    People were in an uproar at first. But now that they’re married, for some reason people seem to think it’s all right.

    This isn’t a gender thing. I mentioned Woody Allen as well. He met his current wife when she was about 9 or 10, and became public about their “romantic” relationship when she was 18. And yet now, people think it must be fine because after all, they’re married.

    My issue is that the uproar goes away once the perp marries the victim.