Oh. The agony.

I just realized that I will be in Brazil during Arthur’s dance recital. That so completely sucks that it is a whole new level of suckfulness. It is Peak Suck. Fuck suck. I am upset. Do I sound upset?

Okay, not only is it Good Motheringâ„¢ to attend the recitals, but I enjoy them. Arthur is a good dancer. He is a cool dancer. He is fun to watch. I burst with pride. I kvel. I die. I love every minute.

But Brazil. Gotta go. Maybe if it hadn’t been planned so much further in advance than the dance recital I could have done something (although…miss Brazil? Kinda hard to get my brain around that). But I only got the dance schedule a month ago or less and Brazil has been in the hopper for five or six months.



  1. OhKen says:

    Major suckage.

    Webcam time………

  2. Roberta says:

    And Arthur of course is too young to understand and will secretly never forgive you and kind of hate you and never really know why.

    Oh wait. Or he’s this amazing gentleman who will be mildly disappointed and in full support of you going to Brazil.

    shit. You just saved on his therapy by raising such a mensch.

  3. deblipp says:

    Also saved on my therapy by not having to attend for this reason. And I was going to buy the DVD anyway.

  4. Barbs says:

    I’m sure he will be thrilled to have his father there

  5. deblipp says:

    His father is always there. But this year, NO excuse for him not to be. đŸ˜‰