Mapping the American Taliban

Via Shakespeare’s Sister, here’s a great site that ranks the 50 states on the basis of reproductive and sexual rights, and support for families. It’s a great resource for anyone concerned about these issues.

Not surprisingly, South Dakota is number 50.

Fortunately, there’s something we can do about that. South Dakota Healthy Families spearheaded a successful petition drive to get an initiative repealing the abortion ban (passed by the SD legislature earlier this year) on the ballot. It looks like the initiative has a good chance of passing, and donations from outside South Dakota (on both sides) may well make the difference.

They also have a list of South Dakota legislators and how they voted on the abortion ban, in case anyone feels moved to donate to the good ones or to those challenging the bad ones.

If the South Dakota Taliban can be defeated, that would be a huge victory for the forces of good…and it would make the wingnuts in other states think twice about restricting abortion rights.

[Cross-posted at If I Ran the Zoo]


  1. foxydot says:

    Either the map has a programming error or there is a tie. Ohio (my home state) is also ranked 50, having 100 penalty points. Interesting stuff, but not totally unexpected. I’ve grown quite used to being outraged by my neighbor’s behaviour.

    Sigh. What’s a socially-liberal fiscal conservative in a REd State to do?

  2. TehipiteTom says:

    There appear to be a number of ties (Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Mississippi are all 45, for example). I had no idea it was so bad in Ohio. Any chance that could change after this year’s elections?

  3. foxydot says:

    I doubt it. The “values vote” around here is pretty strong. (Apparently, freedom of speech & religion, tranparent financials, etc. aren’t values in Ohio.) We are starting to see some positive movement with the election of Dr. Pointyhead as mayor of Cincinnati, and maybe that sentiment will move to Columbus, but I doubt it will happen as quickly as this November. Check back in 2008. By then maybe the podunks around here will have removed their heads from their netherreigions.

  4. TehipiteTom says:

    By then maybe the podunks around here will have removed their heads from their netherreigions.

    We live in hope.

  5. Dan says:

    I would like to remind everyone that while Canadian immigration makes lots of noise about multi-culturalism they do have a strong preferance for white Americans.

  6. TehipiteTom says:

    Good to know. I’m not quite there yet…but I wouldn’t rule it out.