Spring Fever

Yesterday was one of those rare perfect warm cloudless days, no fog anywhere, so I took the long way home: along the Embarcadero to Folsom to catch the N Judah, then a stroll through Golden Gate Park. This is from the rose garden, which is in full bloom right now. More pictures below the fold…

They just finished these sculptures, and the pedestrian pier (Pier 14) behind them. They’re kind of creepy (the sculptures, not the pier); I like them.

Waterfront from Pier 14
Looking back at the city from the end of Pier 14.

If I had a boat and the time (and if I had the slightest idea how to sail) I’d have been out there yesterday too.

[Cross-posted at If I Ran the Zoo]


  1. deblipp says:

    These are great. Isaac always adored the Berkeley Rose Gardens.

  2. TehipiteTom says:

    Thanks, De. The Berkeley Rose Garden is way cooler than the one in Golden Gate Park…but the GGP one is just half a mile away from me. 😉