Friday Kittenblogging

Fanty is hard to photograph, she’s camera shy.

So, I caught her while asleep
So relaxed

Mingo unpacks, too
(This one was hard to get. He jumped right into the suitcase and then I had to sit and sit and sit until he came out. Then he came out too fast and the shot was no good. So I opened it again, he jumped in again, and I sat and sat and sat…)


  1. Ken says:

    Kittens are starting to look like cats…..

  2. Roberta says:

    It’s true.
    You should buy some more.
    For the sake of the blog.

  3. deblipp says:

    I’ve noticed that myself.

    I’m planning some kind of birthday celebration (okay, that’s not much of a plan) in which kittenblogging becomes catblogging.

  4. Roberta says:

    A blogkit rite of passage.

  5. Ken says:

    I believe it was Ogden Nash who said….

    The problem with a kitten is that
    eventually it becomse a cat

  6. Jaspenelle says:

    Awww, she looks like she is sleeping so peacefully!

  7. deblipp says:

    She kinda snuck open one eye to see what I was doing with the camera, and then fell back asleep.