How Psychic Are You?

You Are 70% Psychic

You are pretty psychic.
While you aren’t Miss Cleo, you’ve got a little ESP going on.
And although you’re sometimes off on your predictions…
You’re more often right than wrong
So go with your instincts – you know more than you think


  1. OhKen says:

    I am 20% psychic….. and I think they’re grading me high…..

  2. Dan says:

    I am not that psychic but I had a flash one tome that I had to go to the town of Sherbroke right away.When I got there a woman who I helped through a hard time 6 months earlier on the west coast through herself in my arms as soon as I arrived in town yelling Dan.We spent 3 incredible days together before she disapared again from my life.

  3. Maybe you are 90% psychic! Who can ever tell?