Friday Kittenblogging: Say Goodbye

This is the last edition of Friday Kittenblogging. Next week, I unveil….TA DA!!…Friday Catblogging. That’s right, the Gang of Two will be one year old on October 5th. The little monsters.

So without further ado, I present

Belly flap

Belly flap

Pretty much the minute she stopped looking like a kitten, Fanty developed El Gato Belly Flappo, the fat furry bit that flaps back and forth as she walks.

The other day, I noticed that when she lies on her side, it sorta POOFS up. Photography was mandatory.


  1. taijiya says:

    I was blogging that subject myself today. Fergus turned a year old back in July, so I guess it’s time I stopped referring to him as a kitten. But he’s still so kittenish!

    And Fanty’s belly-poof is perfect. I have one with a fluffy pendulous belly-poof too. 🙂

  2. Paula says:

    belly poof? (snerk)…
    It’s (honestly, I’m not making this uo) called a Lion’s pouch.
    Sorry. Too much Animal Planet.

  3. deblipp says:

    Is it really? That’s actually interesting.

    ….She Who Does Not Watch Animal Planet

  4. Dan says:

    For my next life I want to come back as one of Deb’s cats.

  5. deblipp says:

    Aw, Dan, that’s so sweet!