Major Announcement

The House, M.D. season premiere is tonight. Be there.


  1. Ken says:

    And don’t forget – 8:00 PM Eastern……..

  2. Daven says:

    House without a cane.

    Wow, it’s not him anymore.


  3. Ken says:

    It won’t last…..

    I think the idea that after only three months of rehab he is able to run 8 miles to work is a bit overly optimistic – as I recall the original idea was that his thigh muscle was pretty well gone. But they’re teasing interesting doings for this season – the return of the pain, his continued drug addiction, and what’s up with Wilson’s impending heel turn?

  4. deblipp says:

    Yeah, I think it’s implausible that the “muscle death” has gone away entirely, and all that happened was muscle atrophy, which can be healed entirely in three months (although PT can do wonders).

    I heard on the grapevine that Hugh Laurie was getting serious pain and back trouble from the cane so they had to make up something.

    The dealing with addiction promises to be interesting. The struggle for meaning less so.

    What’s a “heel turn”?

  5. Ken says:

    Sorry – “heel turn” is a pro wrestling term… it’s when the babyface (“good guy”) turns heel (“bad guy”). I read an interview with Robert Sean Leonard that hinted that Wilson isn’t going to be the straightforward goody-two-shoes buddy this year… and that puts an interesting light on his comments to Cuddy at the end of the show about not telling House his treatment of the patient worked.

    I hope they go back to the cane at least somewhat as the season goes on… maybe not relying on it as heavily, but it is an integral part of the character for me, and I’d miss it if they lose it completely. Besides, it’s a great prop during the differential diagnosis scenes….

  6. Daven says:

    My wife and I goth were convinced that it is a coma-indued hallucination, a dream while he’s in the coma. They would show the surgery and the recovery otherwise.

  7. deblipp says:

    And as a reminder, check out the wonderful Medical Reviews of House site.

  8. deblipp says:

    My wife and I goth were convinced that it is a coma-indued hallucination

    I was halfway in before I decided it was real. That’s the problem with doing an “it was all a hallucination” episode. You don’t trust what you see anymore.

  9. Ken says:

    It took me a little while to shake the “hallucination” feel of the jogging opening… once they set the timeframe in a fairly clumsy (for House exposition scene I got over it. I think they worked overly hard to prove that House is still a curmudgeon in the scene with the man’s wife and son… and I find it hard to believe that she would thank him so quickly for his cruel words no matter how effective they were. Still, I’m looking forward to the season, and I hope they don’t chop it up as badly as they did last year…. after watching the Season 2 DVD’s I realized that I had missed several shows despite being diligent in trying to determine when they would be on.