Praise the Goddess!

I finished the index. And how was your three-day weekend?


  1. Dan says:

    We had a gay pride festival in my neighborhood and it was great saturday but got rained out sunday.I also got a Chinese caligraphy with the phrase for Quan Yin for my altar.

  2. deblipp says:

    That sounds more fun than indexing. 🙂

  3. Jaspenelle says:

    Lets see, our garage got broken into, nothing take but an anti-pagan message was left nearby. I have a hives type allergic reaction to some unknown thing.

    But otherwise it was great *smiles* My husband got my art portfolio website nearly done.

  4. deblipp says:

    That’s a big “otherwise,” Jaspenelle. I hope your allergic reaction has cleared up!

  5. Roberta says:

    Three days out of town, climaxing (okay, this was hardly the moment) with a crabcake overlooking a Baltimore marina.

  6. deblipp says:

    Maryland and crab makes me think of Winnie…

  7. Roberta says:

    But not crabcakes.

  8. deblipp says:

    point. But I misted up anyway.

  9. Roberta says:

    Well yeah. I spoke to Paula yesterday for awhile… it’s a year this month.