Answers for Tuesday Trivia of 12/19

Answers below the fold.

1. The writer originally wanted to call it “Andrew’s Ark.”
Garden State
(Solved by Amy.)

2. “I don’t remember yesterday. Today it rained.”
Three Days of the Condor
(Solved by Amy.)

3. “The gun is good. The penis is evil.”
(Solved by Danny Hostetter.)

4. “I deserve a lot of tat for what I’ve got to give.”
(Solved by SAP.)

5. Man: “I’ll give you the moon.” Woman: “I’ll take it.”
It’s a Wonderful Life
(Solved by Daven.)

6. A late-night walk in the flower district, and a kiss in front of a truck full of flowers.
Hint: A romance adapted from a stage play.
Double plus good hint: The film was controversial because the romance was about a “homely” woman and yet a major Hollywood beauty was given the role (out from under the award-winning star of the stage show)
Frankie and Johnny
(Solved (at last) by Melville.)

7. She must pose for her portrait bare-breasted to prove she is a woman.
Hint: Gender-bending period piece.
Double plus good hint: A “backstage” so-called almost romance on this film broke up a well known “Indie Hollywood” couple.
Stage Beauty
(The romance was between Clare Danes and Billy Crudup, breaking up Crudup and Mary Louise Parker.)


  1. Roberta says:

    And I never saw Stage Beauty, and never really heard of it. I knew about the backstage stuff, but didn’t know what stage it took place in back of.
    So there :p

  2. deblipp says:

    Okay, weird. I answered you but it’s gone.

    Anyway, I distinctly remember having a conversation with you about this movie when it first came out. You were way interested. Large part of why I rented it actually. Anyway, it’s a must-see.