Sunday Meditation: Darkness

Soon it will be Winter Solstice, and light begins to return. Now is an excellent time to meditate on darkness.

Prepare a dark and silent space for meditation. Ground and center.

Visualize the darkness. Allow light to drain away, and see yourself in the dark.

What waits for you here?

What secrets belong to the dark, that can be revealed by exploring this space?

In the space of silence and sleep, what can be known?

Know that sleep and rest in the dark is refreshing and renewing, and always returns you to the light. Know that the light will always be there for you.


  1. ivy says:

    This fits with my current battles with my shadow. Thanks. I’ll be tackling this when I get home from work today.


  2. deblipp says:

    That’s so awesome. I was thinking of posting to ask if people liked the meditations, since no one had ever commented on one, and then, just at that moment, I get your comment.