Tuesday Trivia Time

You know the drill: The image, quote, character sketch, or vignette will lead you to a movie. Name the movie.

1. While in Paris, a little girl buys a present for the policeman she has a crush on.
Hint: This movie is connected to Star Wars and My Fair Lady.

2. A drunken playboy, a horse trainer, and a doctor are all in love with the same woman.
Solved by Melville.

3. Part of her occupation involves showing people the Grassy Knoll.
Solved by Tom.

4. The couple meets while sweeping a wooded area for a missing girl.
Hint: During the "present day" of the movie, they are no longer a couple, but both continue to work in the business that gives the movie its name.
Solved by George.

5. A proposal and rejection is secretly recorded and played back in front of a large group of musicians.
Hint: When they meet, she is singing, he is drunk, and he ruins her favorite lipstick.
Solved by Roberta.

6. “Stirred, not shaken. That is right, isn’t it?”
Solved by Tom.

7. His unfinished home is full of memories of his late wife, so he lets another couple use it.
Hint: This movie is famous for being the last completed film of two big stars who died young, and one of the last for another star who died young.
Solved by Tom.


  1. Daven says:

    I want to say #2 is Arthur, but I”m not sure that’s right. Or “Sabrina” but he’s a businessman, not a doctor.

    Other than that, I have no clue on any of these.

  2. deblipp says:

    Sorry, Daven, neither of those is correct.

  3. Tom Hilton says:

    #6 is You Only Live Twice, isn’t it?

    IIRC, Dr. T and the Women had someone fitting the description in #3.

  4. George says:

    There’s a bit like #5 in Diner, but it’s played over the radio, not in front of musicians. So if it’s not Diner, Barry Levinson has some explaining to do. (If the correct answer was made before 1980.)

  5. deblipp says:

    The correct answer is circa 1954 (I haven’t looked it up but I’m pretty sure I’m right).

  6. Melville says:

    #2 is Dark Victory(1939). The drunken playboy was Ronald Reagan, the horse trainer was Humphrey Bogart, and the doctor was George Brent. Oh, and the woman was Bette Davis.

  7. deblipp says:

    Good show, Melville!

  8. Amy says:

    Weird. #2 sounded like a version of “Dracula” to me. Since I was wrong about that, I’m not going to hazard #4 yet…though I have a theory.

  9. […] Lots of hints were needed for Tuesday Trivia. So I provided them. Filed under: Miscellany and Whatever — deblipp @ 11:13 am […]

  10. Roberta says:

    #5 sounds like a version of A Star is Born, and #7 could be Brainstorm, but I am not convinced.

  11. Tom Hilton says:

    The hint makes #7 sound like The Misfits, but that’s just a guess.

  12. deblipp says:

    Roberta, you’re right. Care to choose a version?

    Tom, that’s it. It’s Eli Wallach’s house, used by Clark Gable & Marilyn Monroe.

  13. Roberta says:

    I’ve never seen any but the Barbara. I’m guessing Judy Garland and James Mason, just based on your sensabilities.

  14. Roberta says:

    Oops! I mean Barbra, don’t I?

  15. deblipp says:

    Good guess.

    Damn, that’s such a must-see. It’s everything about performance, about music, about co-dependence. Everything.

  16. […] 2. A drunken playboy, a horse trainer, and a doctor are all in love with the same woman. Dark Victory (solved by Melville) […]