An interesting brain thing

I had the most interesting thing happen inside my brain last night.

I was following some Mapquest directions. Go 2.6 miles, make a right, go .8 miles. Rather than reset my odometer, I added 2.6 to .8 in my head and got 3.4. But I wanted to double-check myself, and since my mind wanders when I’m driving anyway, I decided to think about the numbers for a moment rather than assume I was right.

(Keep in mind this took less than a second.)

So in that moment, I saw the 8 split into two 4s. One four went over to the 2.6, making it 3, and one 4 was left to make it 3.4.

I mean, in an instant, without conscious effort, I saw a slice happen to the 8, like a Samurai sword cutting it in two, leaving two 4s in its wake. Like a little cartoon.

And after I had traveled my 3.4 miles I thought, “Wow, I had no idea my brain did that.”

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