Answers to Tuesday Trivia of 1/23

Answers below the fold.

1. Shaving cream on the mirror to disable a spy hole.
Hint: The mirror is in a bathroom on an airplane.
Goldfinger Winner of 1 Oscar (for Sound)
Solved by Tom

2. A feel-good star, a feel-good director, a small role for the director’s brother, and a portentous lost wedding ring.
Apollo 13 (with Clint Howard as one of the Houston control guys) (Winner of 2 Oscars)
Solved by maurinsky.

3. Man: “What watch?”
Woman: “Ten watch.”
Man: “Such much?”
Casablanca (Winner of 3 Oscars)
Solved by Ken.

4. The electroshock therapy portrayed in this loose-with-the-facts biopic (made in the current decade) was less horrific than the insulin therapy that was actually used.
A Beautiful Mind (Winner of 4 Oscars)
Solved by Ken.

5. The director decided a duet would be sung in shadow because one of the singers couldn’t stop giggling during takes.
The Sound of Music (the song was “I Must Have Done Something Good”) (Winner of 5 Oscars)
Solved by maurinsky.

6. Update: The title is the name of both a person and a rose.
Mrs. Miniver (Winner of 6 Oscars)
Solved by Tom.

7. Update: A post-war graveyard for fighter planes. In retrospect, I’m not sure if this is a graveyard, a maintenance facility, or what (even though I’ve seen the movie many times). It’s a big ol’ field of fighter planes.
The Best Years of Our Lives (Winner of 7 Oscars)
Solved by Tom.


  1. Ken says:

    I knew #1 had to be a Bond, but I couldn’t think of which one….. and I didn’t think any Bonds had won Oscars, although I didn’t bother to research it. Gotta buy that damned book that has all that kinda neat info in it…..

  2. deblipp says:

    I actually do have a chapter on the Oscars.