Sunday Meditation: Sunlight

Take this meditation outside on a sunny day.

Ground and center.

Feel the sun where it touches your skin.

Feel the sunlight that penetrates through your closed eyes.

Breath in the sun.

Feel the warmth. Feel the energy. Breath in the energy of the sun.

The warmth of the sun is within your own body. It is a part of you. The power and energy of the sun are within your own body. They are a part of you.

Let the sunlight come into you, through your skin. Feel it reach into your very core. Feel how it warms you. It warms your heart, your feelings, and your hopes. As your heart is heated by the Sun, warm compassion flows forth.

Feel how sunlight energizes you. Feel it reach into your muscles and joints, and allow yourself to know the pleasure of movement that comes from being powered by the Sun. Feel the energy flowing into your thoughts. As your mind is heated by the Sun, inspiration flows forth.

Know that you are a solar battery. Your skin is solar paneling. You store sunlight within you and use it when you need it. Feel how the warmth stays with you, how the energy is a part of you.

When you are tired, you can draw on your solar energy. When you feel cold and distant, you can draw on your solar warmth. And when you need to renew yourself, you can return yourself to sunlight, and refresh your batteries.

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