Sunday Meditation: I Love Myself

Last night, my friend Nancy led us in a wonderful grounding meditation that was full of self love and playfulness. I’m going to attempt to recreate it here.

Stand and find your sense of balance. Allow yourself to feel sturdy on your feet. Shift your weight around, stretch, wiggle, reach for the sky, touch the ground, and come back to a centered position.

Take three or four deep, cleansing breaths. Deep inhale, hold, exhale. Then deep inhale, hold, exhale. Deep inhale, hold, and exhale with a big WHOOSH.

Form your hands into the shape of a claw and gently pat your face all over with your claw hand. Then pat your neck, then your head.

And again, deep inhale, hold, exhale.

Now place one hand flat on your head and with the other hand forming a fist, tap tap tap tap the top of your head. As you do this, be aware of your crown chakra. Be aware of your feet firmly on the ground. And be aware of your body filling the continuum between them. Take another deep breath and let it go, and as you let it go, know that you have a grounded and crowned body.

Now form your hand into a cupped shape, and tap your shoulders and heart.

With your right hand, tap down your left arm to the hand, turn the arm over, and tap back up. Now use your left hand to tap your right arm the same way.

Tap the left side of your belly, where your stomach is, and say out loud “I love my stomach!” And tap some more.

Tap the right side of your belly, where your liver is, and say out loud “I love my liver!” And tap some more.

Around the back, and tap the left side, saying “I love my kidneys!” And then go lower, and tap your behind, and say out loud “I love my sexy behind!” And tap and tap.

Tap down your legs and up. Gently tap your groin and say “I love my groin!” and then come up and say “I love my belly!” and come up and say “I love my chest!”

Now shout “I love my body!”

Take three deep, cleansing breaths. Say calmly, “I love my body.”

And believe it.

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