Friday Catblogging: Begging at the Table

Yeah, Mingo’s been begging at the dinner table. Drives us crazy. We didn’t get a picture of it (yet) but he’ll stand up on his hind legs and put his little forepaws right up next to your plate.


In response to which, Arthur has begun to play “Got Your Face”

Got it!

And, y’know, he comes right back for more.


  1. Roberta says:

    That is the longest, skinniest arm I’ve ever seen.

  2. Amy says:

    Vulcan mind meld with a cat!

  3. In my house this move is called the Claw… when said or done it must be accompanied by evil cackling and villianious type statments like ” I have you now cat! No one escapes from the claw of Lilith …,” or something along those lines. My cat Yodi ( passed on to the rainbow bridge in ’05 ) Loved playing the Claw game so much, he would come and push his head under my hand until I then tightened down. He would start purring like no tomorrow and just sit there forever if I let him. The new cats, well not so much big on the claw. Sigh I miss Yodi ….

  4. deblipp says:

    Yes, Arthur actually has his claw on a long, skinny extender.

  5. ahab says:

    I love how your other cat is lurking under Arthur’s seat! Smart enough to avoid the claw, dumb enough to be enthralled by it.

  6. […] Arthur likes to grab Mingo’s face. And once again, tonight Mingo was begging at the table, and Arthur grabbed his face. Only this […]

  7. Jaspenelle says:

    Our cat Aos (who looks scarily like Mingo’s clone) does the same with the spray bottle. We spray him with water when he is bad, now he just sits where and takes it and licks the water off his fur.